Friday, March 6, 2020

3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job Offer

3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job Offer Is The Salary Right For You? One of the most important things you must consider is the salary. Some jobs you take for the experience and not for the wage. Others you take for the wage rather than a love of the job itself. You have to decide (or at least figure out) where you are in your own life and why you are taking that job in the first place. Is this salary going to be enough to sustain you? Will it keep you in the green? Will you finally be able to move out of your parents home and live on your own, or whatever your housing goals are? Will you be able to make an adequate payment towards your student loans every month now? Or will you still be struggling to pay your bills despite working full time? Will working this job at the salary you were offered seem like it will be a struggle for you to even get by? Whatever your situation, you have to make sure that you can still afford to get by. Even if a job sounds amazing, be sure to know and consider the salary before accepting it. Is Your Commute Acceptable? Another important aspect to consider before accepting a job offer is how long or complicated your commute will be for you to get to your new place of work every day. Are the work offices in walking distance? In driving distance? In commuting distance? How long will it take you to get there every day? You cannot just consider the physical difference. You need to consider the times of day you would be traveling to and from work as well and factor in things like traffic at those times, as that will certainly affect how long it takes for you to get back and forth. Are you okay with a long commute? Or do you feel like your time is more valuable and could be better spent than in travel? Do you have to take public transportation to work? How long will it take you on the subway to get there? Or by bus? Or even by carpool? Do you have a car of your own to get you to work or some other more reliable form of transportation to take if you do not? Will you be able to be a reliable employee and get to work on time, if at all? Be sure that you can maintain your commute so that you can keep your job in good standing, rather than being fired for tardiness. How Will This Position Help Me Get Where I Want To Go? Finally, you have to consider what this job is going to do for you. Is it going to help you in the long run or only for the short run? How will this position help you get to where you want to go in the end? Maybe you need this position for a short term goal, like the fact that for whatever reason, you need money, and this job is going to pay you. But eventually, you will have to look past that. Is this position in the right career field for whatever career you would like to eventually cultivate? Whatever your dream is, will this job help you get there? Will it help you achieve your goals? Will it help you achieve your dreams? Will it help you to be happy? After all, your happiness is what is most important of all. So do not accept something that is not going to help you get any closer to where you want to go! Be sure to contemplate all these questions in depth. And whatever decision you come to, be sure and confident in it. And be excited! After all, you are starting down a new path, and wherever it leads you, it is sure to be an adventure!

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